enhzflep Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 Just finished some code for another site I visit. It's just been hacked together very quickly, though perhaps somebody will get some use from it. With error checking on the 4 calls to CreateFile or WriteFile you'd have an okay function. Shown below is the output from the code. Tootles... .586 .MODEL flat, stdcall OPTION CASEMAP:NONE ;Case sensitive Include windows.inc Include kernel32.inc Include masm32.inc IncludeLib kernel32.lib IncludeLib masm32.lib myMain PROTO writeBmp24 PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD .DATA? pixelData dd ? ; pointer to the pixel buffer x dd ? ; used to create the pattern y dd ? myBmpInfo BITMAPINFO <> myInfoSize dd ? fileHeader BITMAPFILEHEADER <> outputFileHandle dd ? fileHandle dd ? retVal dd ? .DATA filenameStr DB "enhzflep.bmp", 0 bmpWidth equ 128 bmpHeight equ 128 .CODE Start: Invoke myMain Invoke ExitProcess,0 myMain Proc ; allocate mem for our pixel buffer invoke GlobalAlloc, GMEM_FIXED, bmpWidth*bmpHeight*3 mov pixelData, eax ; make sure it's been cleared first invoke RtlZeroMemory, eax,bmpWidth*bmpHeight*3 ; go through, make the array a simple XOR pattern. mov ebx, pixelData mov y, 0 .while y < bmpHeight mov x, 0 .while x < bmpWidth mov eax, x xor eax, y mov byte ptr [ebx], 0 inc ebx mov byte ptr [ebx], 0 inc ebx mov [ebx], al inc ebx inc x .endw inc y .endw ; write the bugger to disk Invoke writeBmp24, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, addr filenameStr, pixelData ; give back the memory invoke GlobalFree, pixelData Ret myMain endp; writes a 24 bit bmp file; call with width, height, pointer to filename, pointer to width*height*3 bytes of pixelData writeBmp24 proc, myWidth:DWORD, myHeight:DWORD, myFilename:DWORD, pixBuffer:DWORD ; size of header for 24 bit images mov myInfoSize, sizeof BITMAPINFOHEADER ; magic file signature mov fileHeader.bfType, 04d42h ; unused, must be zero mov fileHeader.bfReserved1, 0 mov fileHeader.bfReserved2, 0 ; offset in file of start of pixel data mov eax, sizeof BITMAPFILEHEADER add eax, myInfoSize mov fileHeader.bfOffBits, eax ; total size of file mov ebx, sizeof BITMAPFILEHEADER add ebx, myInfoSize mov edx, myWidth imul edx, myHeight push edx add ebx, edx shl edx, 1 add ebx, edx mov fileHeader.bfSize, ebx ; size of header mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biSize, sizeof myBmpInfo.bmiHeader ; biSizeImage = width*height*3 mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage, edx pop edx add myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage, edx ; image dimensions mov eax, myWidth mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth, eax mov eax, myHeight mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight, eax ; pixels per meter mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter, 2835 mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter, 2835 ; 1 color plane, 24 bits per pixel mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes, 1 mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount, 24 ; uncompressed, 24 bit image mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression, 0 ; unused for true color images - only used with images that have a palette mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biClrImportant, 0 mov myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed, 0 ; open file for writing - truncate to zero length if it already exists invoke CreateFile, myFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE, 0 mov fileHandle, eax ; write the file header invoke WriteFile, fileHandle, addr fileHeader, sizeof BITMAPFILEHEADER, addr retVal, 0 ; write the info header invoke WriteFile, fileHandle, addr myBmpInfo, myInfoSize, addr retVal, 0 ; write the pixel data invoke WriteFile, fileHandle, pixBuffer, myBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage, addr retVal, 0 ; close the file invoke CloseHandle, fileHandle Ret writeBmp24 endp End Start
diablo2oo2 Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 nice piece of code. could be usefull one day
Gushe Posted November 30, 2008 Posted November 30, 2008 I just read trough this because I'd like to learn ASM, and I must say that it's nice commented (not too much, but clear:)) Thanks!
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