Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
cppInjector v.1.1
by 0xFF- 15 replies
Features: Process Information. Module Unloader. Process Watcher. Fixes: No more memory leaks.
(Asm) How to get 2nd string from given string?
by busclock- 1 reply
I need to modify some source code. I need to get a 2nd string from given string which contains 2 string. The length of 1st string is always changed time to time. For example: NuQW4CSS0Qpa8TnZor in hex: 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 1C 01 01 01 01 01 08 4E 75 51 57 34 43 53 53 01 01 01 01 01 08 30 51 70 61 38 54 6E 5Athe 1st string NuQW4CSS (4E 75 51 57 34 43 53 53) it begins with 1 byte in front (08) as the length of the string the 2nd string 0Qpa8TnZ (30 51 70 61 38 54 6E 5A) it also begins with 1 byte in front (08) as the length of the string The problem in the source code i got is, it gets the 2nd string with fixed method, always get it from the 29th byte, which is actually …
- 0 replies
I'm using VC6.0 In Debug Output Window, there're lots of "no matching symbolic information found" e.g. How to disable these message without installing debug symbols? Thanks for helping.
Chiptunes in Visual Basic
by Bleed- 6 replies
Hi, I was just playing around in visual basic 6 and some idea from nowhere came. The idea was to add music to my projects. I was thinking of using chiptunes (xm or mod) but I don't know how. Please do help me if this is possible. Thanks.
Need source
by _ak47_- 2 replies
hello everyone I just make this post beacuase I looK for any cryptersuorce made in VB If anybody have one please shared it for me thanks
C# Pe packer
by 0ron- 4 replies
Does anyone have source for a C# exe or dll packer?
Ripping code delphi
by nosconf- 7 replies
Is it possible to rip asm code and use it in delphi? Many thanks NoScONf
how to draw MessageBox buttons
by alaphate- 4 replies
I found a article about how to change the button text of MessageBox. Could Any buddy tell me how to draw MessageBox buttons? Such as IDOK button IDCANCEL button I know how to make these buttons to OWNERDRAW buttons in CBTProc hook procedure. i.e. SendMessage(hMB,BM_SETSTYLE,BS_OWNERDRAW,TRUE); However, I don't figure out how to draw these buttons. Thanks for help.
HVLPlay : A AHX/HVL playback library in C
by mudlord- 13 replies
Hello, Here's some stuff I have been mucking around with since WinAHX has a tendency to play some AHX tunes completely wrong. This lib is based on Xeron/IRIS's official code, straight from the official replayer and Winamp plugin sources. CPU usage of the library is very small too (around 0-4% on a E2200 dual core). The lib is public domain and is built with MSVC6. Included is the source code as well as a usage example.
Interview with a former adware author
by glaufan- 1 reply
Interesting interview
- 11 replies
hi This post is in literate Haskell which means the entire post can be posted into a .lhs file and compiled by GHC. Haskell is a lazy pure functional programming language named after the logician Haskell Curry. The following code generates a random cd key for an old game, Battlefield 1942. I derived the keygen method with OllyDBG on a random keygen I found on astalavista. Thanks NaG-Scrim/Fighting For Fun - it had good music ;D but your generated code is weird, either msvc6 is not so smart at optimization or your src code is strange, never mind I still made sense of the larger picture. >…
Copying A Fille U/ Dynamic Array
by 0xFF- 0 replies
a very simple procedure (add to private declaration unless other units need access to it) that'll read and write 1 byte each time using "for" loop to the file size, just look and read comments. This supports a progress bar for user interface ;] procedure TMainForm.Copy_File(Source, Dest: PChar; ProgressBar: TProgressBar); var MyArray: Array Of Byte; //Dynamic Array Of Byte hRead, hWrite: THandle; //Handles returned by CreateFile, usage for Reading file size and writing the new file lpNumberOfBytesWritten: Cardinal; //Store how many bytes have been written lpNumberOfBytesReaded: Cardinal; //Store how many bytes have been readed nFileSize: Integer; //Stores the size of t…
Dll injection + message loop
by Killboy- 5 replies
Hi I'm injecting a Dll into a process, the Dll then creates an empty window (creating a new class + Createwindow). In my main process, I find the window with FindWindow(ClassName, NULL) and send WM_COPYDATA to it with the stuff it needs to handle. The problem is that I need a message loop for my window to receive messages sent to it. If I create the window and start the loop in DllMain (on DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH), I never return, thus I can't check if the Dll injection worked. (I could check if the window existed, but I dont really like that) So I created a thread from DllMain, in which I create the window and loop the messages. This works, but it feels weird. I wanted…
[C++ Release] PatchLib
by atom0s- 19 replies
No longer sharing this project on this site.
Hook KeInsertQueueApc
by dayed- 3 replies
//By Dayed #include <ntddk.h> #include <ntifs.h> #include <windef.h> #include <Dayed.h> #include <LDasm.h> #define PS_CLEAR_BITS(Flags, Flag) \ RtlInterlockedClearBitsDiscardReturn (Flags, Flag) #define PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_TERMINATED 0x00000001UL //================================================================================ ================ BYTE g_HookCode[5] = { 0xe9, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; BYTE g_OrigCode[5] = { 0 }; BYTE jmp_orig_code[7] = { 0xEA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x08, 0x00 }; //------------------------------------------------------------ ULONG g_ProcessNameOffset = 0; ULONG g_ThreadFlagsOffset=0; ULONG OldMask; …
Need C# Patch And Keygen Source For Studying
by r00t_H@ck3r- 9 replies
Need C# Patch And Keygen Source For Studying Purpose Thanks.
Resolve method handle with cecil?
by high6- 1 reply
How do you do something like ModuleHandle.ResolveMethodHandle(token); in cecil? Assembly.MainModule.MemberReferences doesn't contain all the references. Only way I can think is by loading each referenced assembly and check it. Would be very very slow though... (also locating the assemblies...)
SendMessage in a debugger in another thread
by Killboy- 2 replies
Hi, I was trying to inject a dll into a process and use WM_COPYDATA for sending the data needed for the dll to work. The problem is that I'm in the middle of the debug loop, ie the remote thread on LoadLibrary doesn't return until I loop through WaitForDebugEvent/ContinueDebugEvent. So I called it in another thread, and found something weird happening: When I call SendMessage (logging something to a listbox) in the thread, it doesn't return and seems to hang up. At the same time, WaitForDebugEvent hangs up as well, and doesn't return (it's set to INFINITE). I found this at MSDN but I'm probably too retarded to get it... The thread sending the messages waits for SendMessa…
VisualAssistX Patch
by high6- 3 replies
Posted this on another forum and thought I should post it here too. This is how I made a .dll loader for VisualAssistX.
Yoda's Protector 1.03.3 source
by 0ron- 2 replies
Does anyone have the source for Yoda's Protector 1.03.3 source? I found version 1.02. Anyone have it?
keep the window on top
by Bleed- 4 replies
Hi, I'm coding on some win32 c++ app. What API should I use to keep the window on top of other windows regardless if it is selected or not? I'm just guessing it is an API, but I'm not sure if it is one.
[HELP!] Keygen About Dialog
by DeRoX- 1 reply
hey community, i need some help in ASM. I use a keygen template from UFO-Pu55y. I modified it a little bit for a about button to show a new window with a text in a bitmap. my problem is to get the cursor animation same like the main window. If the about dialog pops up the mouse cursor is changing to normal. i'm sitting here for 4 hours and i don't get it to work. About proc hWnd:DWORD,uMsg:DWORD,wParam:DWORD,lParam:DWORDlocal ps:PAINTSTRUCT.if uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG invoke SetWindowPos,hWnd,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOSIZE invoke LoadPng,1501,addr sizeAbout mov hAboutBg,eax invoke CreatePatternBrush,hAboutBg mov hAboutBrush,eax invoke CreateFontIndir…
Using WIN32 APIs
by Nieylana- 0 replies
Last night I decided to try and see if it was possible to create a messagebox in VB6 without using the built in MsgBox function. I chose to do this because the MsgBox function actually calls rtcMessageBox() located in the MSVBVM DLL. I wanted my application to instead of using this function, use the MessageBox function located in USER32.DLL. The Link below takes you to my source code on how i did it. It was done by executing some pre-compiled ASM that is executed from VB. In order to see what the ASM is doing, compile the program and debug it using Olly. Then place a BP on CallWindowProcA. Run the application, when it breaks... right click on ESP+4 (PrevProc) and se…
[Help] Process Dumper - Delphi
by steve10120- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi, I'm trying to make a dumper, but run into some problems. program Delphi;uses Windows, SysUtils;{$R *.res}type TByteArray = array of Byte;var hMod: THandle; hOpen: THandle; hFile: THandle; IDH: TImageDosHeader; INH: TImageNtHeaders; ISH: TImageSectionHeader; dRead: DWORD; dWritten: DWORD; dSize: DWORD; bBuff: TByteArray; i: integer; begin hMod := GetModuleHandle(nil); hOpen := GetCurrentProcess; if ReadProcessMemory(hOpen, Ptr(hMod), @IDH, SizeOf(IDH), dRead) then begin hFile := CreateFile(PChar('dumped.exe'), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0); if hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin SetLength(bBuff, SizeOf(I…
UPX Scrambler
by tagor- 0 replies
Please give some source code with UPX Scrambler????? I try to make UPX Scrambler with Visual Basic 6??? Please?????