UnPackMe (.NET)
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284 topics in this forum
by Prab- 2 replies
View File DotNetSafer This file is packed with DotNetSafer using the following protections; Constants Protection Mutation Protection ILDasm Protection Invalid Metadata Protection Invalid Cctor Protection Name Protection Goal : Unpack the file and detail the methods you used to bypass the above protection options. Submitter Prab Submitted 05/15/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
by emlin- 2 replies
View File ConfusedDragon This is a .NET file which has been protected by an obfuscator me and a friend developed. It contains a lot of protection methods, common DNSpy/De4Dot tools will not help. DNSpy will fail to decompile and throw errors. Good luck. Submitter emlin Submitted 07/15/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
UnPackMe 1 // ConfuserEx 1.0.0
by lucifeey- 14 replies
Difficulty : idk Language : .NET Platform : Windows x64 OS Version : All Packer / Protector : ConfuserEx 1.0.0 Description : Give the unpacked file + tutorial how to unpack it. [!] The file should be runnable after unpacking it [!] Screenshot : Spoiler UnPackMe01.zip
ConfuserEx Fork
by Zyhes- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Difficulty: 3-5 Language : .NET Platform: Windows OS Version: All Packer / Protector : ConfuserEx Fork Description : Pretty heavily forked ConfuserEx and I'm not sure if it's good or not. If you get it cracked please post how you did it and don't just say "I used public tools", tell what tools and how. Thank you! Screenshot : Download : CrackMe.exe
DNGuard HVM 3.94
by freddy- 2 followers
- 5 replies
Language : C# .Net Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : All Packer / Protector : DNGuard HVM 3.94 Description : Hi everyone,two solutions are accepted : 1. GOLD MEDAL = UNPACKING THE PROTECTOR 2. SILVER MEDAL = PATCHING THE TOOL Hope you will have some fun! *DO NOT PATCH THE CrackMe,THE GOAL IS TO PATCH THE .DLL PROTECTED WITH DNGUARD HVM OR UNPACK IT!* Can't upload larger file "Max total size 0.98MB" so i'll just put it on the link : https://anonfile.com/B9aae3P7n9/CrackMe_rar CrackMe.rar
Habib Extreme Protector
by Prab- 8 replies
Language : .NET Platform : Windows [x32/x64] OS Version : Windows 10 Packer / Protector : Habib Extreme Protector / .NET Reactor Description : Habib is my good friend. I want to know how strong is it ? If you can, write how you unpacked it. Virustotal link. Screenshot : Download : Habib.rar
Paid ConfuserEx Modded
by [L]over- 10 replies
Difficulty : 4 Language : .NET Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : ConfuserEx Modded Description : Hi , one guy is selling his protector (confuserex modded) and it is really expensive. I want to know if someone can unpack that because I don't trust him and his paid protector =/ Thanks in advanced Good Luck! Screenshot : UNpackme.exe
Beds Protector v6.9
by wowinr- 1 reply
View File Beds Protector v6.9 Try to unpack this file protected using Beds Protector v6.9 and then crack it. A little spoiler for some of you: Spoiler All of these are fake attributes but you probably already know that! Submitter wowinr Submitted 06/06/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
View File KoiVM Modified (Beds Protector 1.4.1) KoiVM is a virtualizing protector for .NET applications, as a plugin of ConfuserEx. ConfuserEx is a open-source protector for .NET applications. It is the successor of Confuser project. This file is protected with KoiVM using; MD5 Hash Check Constants Renamer Anti-Tamper I took KoiVM from https://github.com/BedTheGod/ConfuserEx-Mod-By-Bed (1.4.1) and modified it to make OldRod fail devirt. Submitter 0x72 Submitted 05/20/2020 Cate…
SatanMei Protector Unpack
by TheEndGod- 1 reply
Language : C# Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : All Packer / Protector : SatanMei Protector Description : Unpack and tell how fast did you unpack it and the way if possible. Screenshot : Unpack_Me.exe
NeosProtector 2.0
by omertrans6789- 8 replies
Language : VB.NET Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : NeosProtector 2.0 Description : Everyone Hello, I found new pack program. I used pack. Lets use unpack. Screenshot : Download: Unpackme.exe
Blinks Obfuscator V1.0.0
by Aptitude!- 1 reply
Language: C# Platforms: Windows Protector/Obfuscator: Blinks Obfuscator V1.0.0 Description: Unpack the file! Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/OGYzMjc3NzBjMzljMjk0YWEyNTA4NGI4NWQ2YzY3ZTM6MTU4NzkwODUyMw==/detection Download: AtomicProtectorNewestCrackMe.zip
MVMProtect 0.8.7 BETA
by localhost0- 0 replies
Language : VB.NET Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : MVMProtect 0.8.7 BETA Description : Hello everyone, if you see this, open the package I want from you! Screenshot : Unpack ME-OUT.rar
Modded ConfuserEx
by Aptitude- 3 replies
Language : .NET Platform : Windows 32 bit OS Version : All Packer / Protector : "DARKSPROTECTOR 2.0 | PROTECT YOUR .NET APPS WITH THE BEST CONFUSEREX" Description: Unpack the file and say how Screenshot: DL: unpackme.exe
Custom ConfuserEx
by 12135555- 2 replies
Language : .NET Platform : Windows [x32/x64] OS Version : Windows 10 Packer / Protector : ConfuserEX Custom Description : Packed by custom ConfuserEx. If you can, write how you unpacked it. Virustotal link. Screenshot : CrackMe.exe
Corona Obfuscator
by seksiBoi- 5 replies
Language : C# Difficulty : idk Platform : Windows Packer/obfuscator : COrona_obfuscator Description : Want To see if the protections is good enough. Corona_Vm is basically SOme one modded KOIVM idk if its good so yeah ScreenSHot Spoiler VT :https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/892dccbe1089f8b59827c1199f61cd40e8f74b9642b9965648d457dfd45fe425/detection DL : https://bayfiles.com/n8U0jdkbo9/ConsoleApp2_exe ConsoleApp2.zip
SafeVM V1
by localhost0- 4 replies
Language : C# Difficulty : Hard Platform : Windows Build : x86-x64 Packer/Obfuscator : SafeVM Description : I want to see how strong the protection is. Screenshot : Protected.rar
SafeVM V2
by localhost0- 4 replies
Language : C# Difficulty : Hard Platform : Windows Packer/Obfuscator : SafeVM Description : I want to see how strong the protection is. Screenshot : Protected.rar
- 15 replies
GOOD LUCK UnpackMe & CrackMe .rar
- 4 replies
Difficulty : 7 Language : C#/C++ Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 10 Packer / Protector : Appfuscator trial + ilprotector + themida on ilprotector dlls Description : Try to unpack this application. Screenshot : Download: UnpackMe.rar
KoiVM - Ksydfius_Encryption
by localhost0- 0 replies
Language : .NET Platform : Windows 32/64 bit OS Version : Tested on Win10 only, Win 7 and 8 also probably work Packer / Protector : Modded KoiVM and XXXX Level : 10/8 Description : Good luck everyone. Screenshot : Protected.rar
KoiVM - Crypta-Lock-O-Matic
by localhost0- 2 replies
Language : C# .Net Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : All Packer / Protector : KoiVM and Enigma Description : U N P A C K M E Screenshot: Crack ME.exe
- 13 replies
Language : . NET Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10 Packer / Protector : ILProtector + Enigma Description : Unpack the file and get the password. Screenshot : Test_protected.rar
NET Crypter / vmprotect (CRC Checking)
by Raphael- 2 replies
HI Language : .NET Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : All Packer / Protector :.NET Crypter / vmprotect (CRC Checking) Description : Unpack, and give a quick tut on how you did it unpackme.rar
VMProtect 3.4
by Arctic- 3 replies
Language: .NET Platform: Windows OS Version: All Packer/Protector: VMProtect Ultimate 3.4.0 (Build 1155) Description: Unpack the file and get the password (along with some brief explanation). Would like to see if anyone can have a go at VMProtect's new .NET implementation. Good luck VMP Settings used: Anti-Debugger : User+Kernel Anti-VM: No Protections: Memory + Pack Output Screenshot: VMP3.4.zip